Nice name isn’t it?
Lately I’ve been playing all their new singles in a loop and now that Lady Gaga’s video Alejandro just came out, I thought of comparing all their videos side by side. By the way, before playing these videos, be aware that they are Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Believe me, “safe” doesn’t even come close to any of these videos.
First up, we have Lady Gaga’s newest single, Alejandro. Interesting that she’s not always wearing a headpiece in this video but her goggles were pretty interesting. I just have to watch the video again to see the connection between the song and the video. Some people found the video offensive. Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s nothing new. Madonna has done it over and over again. Moving on…
Up next is Christina Aguilera with her new song, Not Myself Tonight. Hhhmmm, I think this song is pretty good but it seems like she’s trying too hard in her video. Does it really have to look like soft core porn? Just sayin’!
Last but not least is Mylie Cyrus’s Can’t Be Tamed. She shed her skin for some feathers. Hello there Mylie Bird! Can’t be tamed? Please. She should take a lesson from Christina and Gaga. Just kidding! Perhaps she’s trying to come out of her Hannah Montana shell and this is her breakout video.
Anyway, I love the songs so I’ll continue playing them in loop, and perhaps watch the videos again.
What do you think? Who did it best?
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